독일 전자빔 용접기의 선두 업체인 STEIGERWALD사의 한국 정식 에이젼트 JWT 입니다.
고객분들의 제품 needs에 충족되는 용접 기술과 완벽한 사후 관리 서비스를 제공하며,
안정적이고 장기적인 사업 파트너로서 신뢰를 바탕으로 하는 회사입니다.
방문해 주심을 진심으로 감사드리며,
찾아 주신 모든 분들의 만족스러운 결과를 위해 최선을 다함을 약속드립니다.
감사 합니다.
JWT 대표
The physicist Dr. h.c. Karl-Heinz Steigerwald builds the worldwide first electron beam processing machine in 1952 and founded the company Steigerwald Strahltechnik GmbH in 1963.
Since that time more than 500 electron beam machines (EB = electron beam) have been delivered for welding and drilling purposes. The size of the machines depends on the requirements of our customers and ranges from chambers with a volume of a few litres to large chambers.
Steigerwald Strahltechnik operates throughout the world and is represented locally in many areas by the GBT Group sales network. As a partner of industry, together with our customers we develop the best, most economical EB processing machine for every case. The ideas for future features in the electron beam machine of tomorrow come from talking to the customer.
At the forefront we also offer years of experience in preparing work pieces for welding. The GBT Group job-shops are used to produce prototypes as well as pilot and limited series. Steigerwald Strahltechnik is also there to help its customers in case of production bottlenecks, for which the services of the job-shops are provided.
Phone: +82-10-7242-6000
Email: JWT_wooyh@naver.com
Address: 경기도 화성시 동탄기흥로 590, 센트럴에이스 B동 618호